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Contextual & Ethical Studies

Impact of world war one and the dada movement. The cataclysmic war had profound impacts on the fields of art and design which are still relevant today.


People’s century: Killing Fields (first 10 minutes)


Joe Sacco’s: The Great War

Foldout illustration of the first day of the battle of Somme. 24 feet long.


What is Dada? National museum of Scotland

Negative reaction to the horrors of war

Anti-art, Anti-War artists.

Hugo Ball, Emmy Hennings, Hans Arp, Tristan Tzara


Hannah Hoch- Cut with the Kitchen Knife 1919

Marcel Duchamp- Fountain 1917

Raoul Haussmann- The Art Critic 1919-20

George Heartfield- any of the political collages 1930-8

Hoch Cut With the Kitchen Knife.jpg
Marcel Duchamp Fountain.jpg
Raoul Haussmann The Art Critic.jpg


George Heartfield political collages.jpg

We live in a culture saturated with design, almost everything we come in contact with on a daily basis has been designed. As consumers our design choices have become more sophisticated and can also be heavily influenced by personalities and preferences in day-to-day life.

Task 1: Think of a designed object you use frequently, describe it visually, describe its functions.

Object: Prescription Glasses.

Visual description: Dark blue frame, lenses, silver hinges.

Function: Allow me to see clearly which means I can do my work 

Task 2: Choose two words from the list (Universality, Function, Ergonomics, Aesthetics, Environmentalism, Consumerism, Globalisation, Ethical) define them and discuss how they relate to design. 

Function-describes a product that works well to perform their assigned tasks. Function is the goal and it is important that it meets requirements. The importance of function is that it can repetitively perform its task and it is also safe, easy to use. 

Aesthetics-Aesthetics refers to the way a product looks and feels. The first impression of a product is often visual, making aesthetics very important.

Task 3: In the 19th century as industrialisation spread across the world some design pioneers began to question some of the impact of design. Watch and make notes on the video; Design in a nutshell-Arts and crafts youtube 2:30 mins, and Political Theory William Morris youtube 5:27 mins. 


While the ideas of William Morris were important in formulating a new and ethical approach to design, it was World War One that had the most profound impact. After the war, the International Modern style became fused with the ideal of using design to construct a new society. Though the Modern style shared certain key characteristics these could be applied in subtly different ways. Today we explore the style by examining 3 iconic houses, The Villa Savoye, The Farnsworth House and Fallingwater.

Task 1: Research, find images of and draw a brief sketch of the Villa Savoye 1929-1931 by Le Corbusier. Write a brief comment based on your initial reactions. Then watch the following video: Le Corbusier's 5 points of Architecture YouTube 2.36 mins.


Task 2: Research, find images of and draw a brief thumbnail sketch of The Farnsworth House 1949 by Ludwig Mies Van der Rohe. Write a brief commentary based on your initial reactions.


Task 3: Research, find images and draw a brief thumbnail sketch of Fallingwater 1936 by Frank Lloyd Wright. Watch the video Fallingwater Vimeo 4.32 mins to examine how the structure was built.


Task 4; Having examined the 3 houses list the key features of the Modern style which they share.


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